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Thread: Object Of The Week, May 22 2016 - Arp 313

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    La Serena, Chile

    Object Of The Week, May 22 2016 - Arp 313

    Arp 313 - NGC 3991, 3994 and 3995

    Three interacting galaxies

    Constellation: Ursa Major
    RA: 11 57 36.852
    DEC: +32 16 40.00

    Mag: 13.5, 13.4 and 12.7

    Size: 1'.0 x 0'.3, 51" x 29" and 2'.6 x 0'.9

    These three galaxies were discovered by Heinrich Louis d'Arrest on February 5, 1864. They were included by Arp as number 313 in the fourth major category of his atlas where "group character is the most important consideration".

    We all know d'Arrest as one of the two discoverers of Neptune, the other being Johann Gottfried Galle. Fascinating as the story of the discovery of Neptune may be, this is not it ;-)

    At the time of the Neptune discovery, d'Arrest was a 2nd assistant astronomer at the Berlin Observatory. In 1848 he moved to the Leipzig Observatory where he saw (but not discovered) NGC 607 and NGC 7005 using the 1830 4.6" F/16.8 Fraunhofer refractor. in Leipzig he also discovered the comet 6P/d'Arrest. In 1857 d'Arrest started at the Copenhagen Observatory, where he stayed until 1875. There he would discover 338 new NGC-objects and observe another 64 already known deep sky objects using the 11" F/17.5 Merz refractor. D'Arrest won the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Observatory in 1875 and died that same year on June 14.

    I came upon this group three weeks ago while working on my list of "bright and interesting galaxies". I compiled this list mostly based on The Night Sky Observer's Guide, but also a few other sources. One flaw of this list is that it only contains NGC and IC IDs and not Arp or other IDs. When I looked at the region of NGC 3994 and 3995 in SkyTools I noticed the galaxy NGC 3991 which, oddly enough, is not on my list. The three galaxies are amazing to behold and I immediately decided these were to be my next OOTW. I used magnifications between 256 x and 692 x to try and squeeze out as many details as I could. Even at 692 x the three galaxies fit in one field of view of 9'.5 (Ethos 3.7 mm).

    ngc 3991-lrgb-m07-cwd32hpus.jpg

    NGC 3991 is a very intriguing galaxy that consists of several knots that lie more or less in a row. The northern most knot is biggest and brightest and is elongated with a stellar nucleus which lies towards the southern edge of the knot. Right next to it lies another knot. Three more knots lie further south. These three lie in a straight line and this line is parallel to the line between the first two knots but all five do not lie in a straight line.

    NGC 3994 is an oval glow with a stellar nucleus. I have the feeling a bar runs through the galaxy along the minor axis. However, this bar is not visible in photographs so it was probably my imagination.

    NGC 3995 is the most complex of all three and also the hardest to see due to its large size and low surface brightness. At the center lies a bright region that splits in two towards the north east. In the western most of these lies a small, slightly brighter region. To the south from the central region runs a bar that ends in a small hook. The bar is slightly bent. Occasionally I see a detached, exceedingly faint glow light up east from the bar.

    Here is a crude drawing I made. NGC 3994 is drawn too large and the split part of NGC 3995 as well but the rest I think is pretty accurate:

    2016-05-04 Arp 313.jpg

    These galaxies and their structure should be visible in smaller telescopes, perhaps as small as 6". Larger telescopes may try to see nearby LEDA 1988828 (mag 17.30 B) and LEDA 1992366 (mag 18.10 B).

    As always,

    "Give it a go and let us know!
    Good luck and great viewing!"
    Last edited by wvreeven; May 23rd, 2016 at 09:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Member Ivan Maly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Upstate New York
    That's a very detailed observation, and I like the sketch. How big is your scope again? Anything about the sky quality?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    La Serena, Chile
    Thanks Ivan. My telescope is a 20" and I did the observation under SQM 21.0 skies.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Can contribute a 27-inch sketch of the group Wouter.

    27", 419x, NELM 6m5+, Seeing II
    Clear Skies, uwe

    27" f/4,2

  5. #5
    Member Howard B's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Scappoose, Oregon USA
    Nice object Wouter, here's my observation from the 2015 Golden State Star Party with my 28 inch:

    "Bright triplet of NGC galaxies, two of which are particularly interesting. 3991 is either two galaxies merging or one galaxy being pulled apart. 3995 also has two nuclei and two long, faint curved arms - the shorter arm has a faint knot. 3994 is an undisturbed looking galaxy; oval, with a bright core. 408x, 21.66 SQM."

    Arp313_N3991,3994,3995.jpg Arp313_N3991,3994,3995_invert.jpg
    30-inch f/2.7 alt-az Newtonian
    Contributing Editor, Sky & Telescope magazine

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    La Serena, Chile
    Great sketches Uwe and Howard. I guess I was lucky with the seeing to be able to magnify so much and get all the details in NGC 3991.

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