I wrote in the so long to 2013 thread that I had finished the Carbon Star Observing program and pin, so I have been looking for another program to begin. One of the programs that caught my eye on the AL website was the Local Group Galactic Neighborhood pin. I have the book on order from the AL, but it didn't arrive today and I am planning on heading out observing Sunday, racing the Moon and taking advantage of the clear skies. I plan on using Sue's wonderful article from the Dec 2013 S&T to look for those galaxies that are in our neighborhood and her article on the ones in Andromeda will be great.

I have been researching nearby galaxies while I wait on this book, and found NGC 2366 listed in a Deep Sky Magazine PDF. I did some google searching and can't find anyone observing this galaxy... so I am turning to the awesome folks at Deep Sky Forum. Just because some thing isn't on google doesn't mean it is an impossible object to observe!

Anyone observe this galaxy? Think it is doable with a 10in SCT? The article in Deep Sky Magazine was written by Tom Polakis and he was using a 13.1in dob (probably an old Coulter).