I came across this press release last fall of this very interesting radio jet galaxy near UGC 10288 which is a nice EO galaxy in Serpens. Its a very interesting read.


UGC 10288

16 14 24
-00 12 23

UGC 10288.jpg

Over the last two dark times I have observed this faint radio jet galaxy on two different nights. UGC 10288 is a beautiful Edge on galaxy which is a real treat in itself. I was not sure if I would be able to see this super faint 7 billion year old light in this unusual radio jet galaxy. On my first time I observed it I did not see it for a long time, I had to find the right combination of eyepiece and power. after a long time with my head covered with my DSA observing hood and a 4MM ZAO eyepiece @ 1220X A small faint glow started to pop in and out with the seeing and in moments of good seeing I was able to hold it for a few seconds at a time with averted vision. I was very excited to have been able to catch this 7 billion year light. I repeated my observation last night and was pleased that I was able to catch the ancient light again. Below is a drawing I did of the field on the first night I observed it.

UGC 10288 drawing.jpg