Steve Gottlieb and I tried for this PN at GSSP with his 24" reflector but we had a negative observation. I have been wanting to try it with the 48" since that try. The monsoon here in West Texas gave me a break and with just a few hours of darkness left this moon phase I was eager to give it a go.

PN Ou5 AKA IPHASX J211420.0+434136 was found by French Amateur Nicolas Outters in the nebula SH2-119 and there is a recent Paper about the PN

The transparency was not the best that night but the seeing was pretty good. I found the field immediately @375X and could see a extremely faint small roundish glow at the limit of my direct vision. I went to 610X unfiltered and was surprised that the PN was larger than the POSS image showed. I then tried the NPB filter and got a very slight response the nebula looked a little larger with this filter. I then tried a O-III and H-beta with no response. I then went to 814X unfiltered and had the best view at this power the nebula looked to be oblong and even brightness and the central star would pop in and out with the seeing. The central star looked very sharp and pin point when it would appear.

I will try this object again next dark time and try to pull out more detail under better sky conditions.

Ou 5
Ou 5.jpg