Last night we had some really clear skies with low humidity and no haze, which is unusual for Michigan in July. So I attempted to observe Palomar 1, a very faint globular cluster in Cepheus. At 375x with the 13.1", I was able to see a small fuzz with averted vision at the spot where the cluster is located on the photo chart. However, I got the impression that what I was seeing was a very faint star, since the "fuzz" seemed to have a high surface brightness. There is a faint star (around 15th magnitude) on the photo chart near the center of the cluster. My question is, is this star a cluster member or a foreground star? The object was too faint and small to determine whether I observed just this single star or the combination of other very faint cluster members. I'm interested to hear from anyone who has observed Palomar 1 and whether they were able to discern the haze from this apparent foreground star. Also, if you could include the aperture and magnification you were using. Thanks.