I am sure most of you have seen the new article posted on CN about the Fornax Dwarf and its globular clusters. I had not heard of these globulars so I read the article with great interest.

One of the statements of the article that caught my eye was the comment that the Fornax globulars would be a good starting place for pratice before going after the globulars around M31, since they are brighter then G1.

I was wondering if anyone can give any commentary or insights about that.

I have observed G1 that orbits M31 last year, but being new to these globulars outside of the galaxy I probably didn't use enough power since I only used about 150X with my 10in SCT since the seeing was just okay. I could at times split the two stars from G1, but it took a little averted vision and could not be held steady. I did see G1 much better in a 18in nearby though!