I thought I would start a thread here given the experience and knowledge in the DSF even though it’s not a deep sky topic.

I’ve been putting an effort into observing the solar system moons for the last few years. I’m at 27 so far, and adding some more Jovian moons at the moment with opposition coming.

After two years of constant failure, I finally observed Amalthea a few nights ago. Last season I picked up Himalia, Elara and Pasiphae which are moons I would reasonably expect have been observed by others with decent aperture.

Now I’ve also added Carme and Sinope to the list in recent nights with the 32”, and these are more difficult targets, but ideally placed in the Southern Hemisphere right now. So I guess what I’m interested to know, is if these moons have ever been visually observed before? They were discovered on photographic plates by the big observatories, and I’ve found no records of anyone ever visually seeing them. I have Lysithea and Ananke still on the list that I’m confident I’ll observe over the next month as well.

I would really like to hear from anyone who has any info on this.