It's been awhile since I've mentioned updates on Adventures in Deep Space, so I thought I'd mention the recent additions...

I've uploaded a new version of my observing notes for the NGC (7840 objects), with visual descriptions of *every* non-stellar object. In addition, I have notes on a large number (1900) of objects in the IC. All of the NGC/IC identifications have been checked for historical accuracy as part of NGC/IC Project. I've included historical discovery information including the observer's name, date and the original discovery descriptions. Modern catalogues discrepancies and errors are also discussed.

Observing report (from June), featuring objects from Zwicky's CGPG ("Catalogue of Selected Compact Galaxies and of Post Eruptive Galaxies")
I Zw 115 (UGC 9893)
VII Zw 729 (UGC 10923)
VII Zw 591 (The “Blue Sausage")
KUG 1138+327 (prototype "Tadpole" galaxy)
Mrk 296 (another "Tadpole" galaxy)
IV Zw 67 (Pre-planetary nebula, better known as the "Egg Nebula")

Lord Rosse's Spring Spirals (May), featuring ...
NGC 4535
NGC 4536
NGC 5248

Go Bears! The Berkeley Open Clusters (January)
Berkeley 11
Berkeley 67
Berkeley 17
Berkeley 19
Berkeley 69
Berkeley 71
Berkeley 28

Feature article: 100+ Planetary Nebulae Visible with Small Telescopes & Binoculars (Scott Harrington)

Many deep sky catalogues and lists (most in.xls format)
Abell Galaxy Clusters
Abell Planetary Nebulae
Arp Galaxies
Barnard Dark Nebulae