In looking at Ngc7331 area in MegaStar over the weekend I noticed a small galaxy group of 5 members that it turns out I had observed in Nov 2008 in 21.1 skies in my 18" so I missed the Mag 16 tiny member just to the east of Ugc 12127. The galaxies form a small rectangle and are all just south of Ngc7342 and Ngc7345 by about 9' with CGCG 514-87 midway between but off to the east. I will be re-visiting this group in darker skies this summer to try to squeeze out MCG +6-49-62 and another very dim galaxy 3' N of the tight group. I was wondering if the 5 galaxies all in a 4.5' diameter field may be a Rose group or other group? This makes a nice 'off the beaten path' group that is worth visiting whenever I re-visit Ngc7331.