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Thread: Few (lame???) Ideas?

  1. #1
    Member gdjsky01's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Redondo Beach, CA

    Few (lame???) Ideas?

    I have not tried this yet, but I imagine the color scheme is compatible, as much as possible, with a red filter? That way, when people do have a net connection they can use this as a resource, or for near live reports, questions, etc.

    It might be interesting to have a map of users (just a rough one). That way you'd have a visual network of people you know are 'in the dark'. Just an idea.

    The default font is pretty small for us old guys but can be overridden on the Mac + Chrome with Cmd-+ (there may be a default in the users settings, tho I did not see it).

    Another idea would be something that auto index's that which it recognizes as an object designation. How this would be different from the normal 'search' I am not sure yet.
    Or maybe index's the objects by constellation if it recognizes it.
    I guess what I mean is any customizations that help find content is a good thing.

    Since many people list there prized scope in their signature, maybe a page listing whose got what? I know some might not be willing, but if it's already in your signature and perhaps a member only feature?

    Last edited by gdjsky01; February 10th, 2012 at 06:05 PM. Reason: Nother idea
    Wishing You Clear, Dark, Steady Skies...
    Jeff Gortatowsky, Redondo Beach. CA

    56cm f/4.2 UC-22 - Not the wisest choice I ever made.
    30cm f/5 Orion XT-12
    25cm f/4.7 DobStuff Dob
    18cm f/5.7 Teleport
    15cm f/5.2 ES Mak-Newt
    127mm f/10 Celestron SCT
    120mm f/7.5 SkyWatcher ED Doublet APO
    101mm f/5.4 Televue TV-101 APO
    90mm f/7 StellarVue Triplet APO
    80mm f/15 Sears Achro
    72mm SkyWatcher ED
    60mm Lunt Ha Solar scope

  2. #2
    Administrator/Co-Founder Dragan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicago, Il
    Hi Jeff,

    In regards to the color scheme, we tried to stay away from red as much as possible just for the reason you stated. There are many observers that use the internet during their observing sessions. Our hope was that some folks may even use DeepSkyForum as a resource at their telescope or observatory. If we used red in its design/format, alot would be lost when using red light.

    I'd like to think we have found a good balance of colors that are easy on the eyes whether it be in a bright room or under a red flashlight at the telescope. Our goal was that these website colors, when used at night, would help preserve night vision as much as possible. Some websites could never be used at the telescope no matter how much red film you use! We didn't want to be like that.

    As far as the other suggestions, a PM has been sent.

    And thanks for the time to post some feedback Jeff!! This is exactly what we need to help make DSF better everyone!
    Clear Dark Skies,
    Dragan Nikin
    25" f/5 Obsession #610 "Toto"
    30" f/4.5 OMI EVO #1 "Tycho"

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