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Thread: Object of the Week February 10, 2013 V ZW 375 AKA Haro 6-29 AKA *GLTau (What is it??)

  1. #1
    Co-Founder Jimi Lowrey's Avatar
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    Object of the Week February 10, 2013 V ZW 375 AKA Haro 6-29 AKA *GLTau (What is it??)

    V ZW 375 AKA Haro 6-29 AKA *GL Tau


    04 37 23

    +25 02 43

    Type ?

    MAG 15.3

    You do not often see a object with a galaxy catalog ID (V ZW 375) and a planetary nebula ID (Haro 6-29), with also a star ID (*GL Tau). This got my interest when I saw this object with this unusual combinations of Id's So this is what I have found out. Fritz Zwicky started collecting blue looking compact galaxies in 1964 from the Poss 1 plates for his now famous Red Book,(CATALOGUE OF SELECTED COMPACT GALAXIES AND OF POST-ERUPTIVE GALAXIES ). He cataloged this object as V ZW 375 and his notes say "Very red Sc with compact nucleus".

    Poss 1 image
    V Zw 375 Poss 1.jpg

    So thats how it got the galaxy ID.

    IN 1970 Sargent did a spectroscopic survey with the 200" Hale telescope on selected compact and peculiar galaxies from Zwicky's unpublished list of galaxies and found V ZW 375 to be a planetary nebula. NED note says that he sent Zwicky a private communication to inform him V ZW 375 was not a galaxy but a PN. As far back as 1953 Haro in Mexico noted in his paper (New emission stars in the dark regions of Taurus-Auriga-Orion) that Haro 6-29 had a Variable star with emission nebula. That is how it got its Planetary nebula ID.

    In 1974 G Romano in Budapest did photometry on the central star In Haro 6-29 (*GL Tau) and found it to be variable from 15.7 to 17.5 photographic magnitude. so that is how it got its star name (*GL Tau).

    To make matters more confusing MagaStar list this PN as Haro 3-29 and Simbad list it as Haro 6-29 Simbad did not recognize Haro 3-29. I did find a note in Simbad that says Haro 6-28= PN Haro 3-29, So that cleared that up.

    SDSS Image
    V ZW 375 SDSS.jpg

    I looked at this PN last week and here are a few of my notes " 375X small fairly faint central star AV only 488X with NPB filter got a good response to the filter looks a little brighter on the one side. Need to look again with better seeing at a higher power!"

    Be sure to try this PN with all the different catalog designations when you get out and,


    Clear Skies,

    Jimi Lowrey
    Fort Davis Texas

    48"F4 OMI/TEC
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  2. #2
    Administrator/Co-Founder Dragan's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Member Steve Gottlieb's Avatar
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    I took a look at this object back in October 1985 and it was tough in my 17.5" scope, but I logged it at 105x using an OIII filter as ...

    "Extremely faint and near my visual threshold, very small, round. Verified on a CGPN finder chart" [Kohoutek's Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebula].

    I didn't know about the V Zw designation, though!
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  4. #4
    Member Paul Alsing's Avatar
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    SkyTools also has it as H 3-29, with PN G174.2-14.6, PK 174-14.1, and ARO 214 as alternatives...
    Paul Alsing
    25" f/5 Obsession

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    It is shown in the first edition of Uranometria 2000.0 as PK 174-14.1, with the correct planetary nebula symbol.

    Sounds like an interesting object. I wish it was clear.

    Clear skies!
    Thomas, Denmark

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Bornholm, Denmark
    A DSS image shows a relatively bright galaxy about 10' to the south of PK 174-14.1, as well as several fainter galaxies in the neighborhood.

    Clear skies!
    Thomas, Denmark

  7. #7
    Co-Founder Jimi Lowrey's Avatar
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    Fort Davis Texas
    I looked at this nebula again last night with good transparency and fair seeing. On the north side of Haro 6-29 there is a slight brighting with the unfiltered view at 488X. With the NPB filter at 610X it was like someone turned on the patch on the North side. I was surprised at how much brighter the Nebulous patch looked with the NPB filter at this power. It has to be one of the best filter responses that I have had on a object in a long while! The variable central star was only seen a small percentage of the time with AV only. It must be on the dim side of its cycle.

    Nebulous patch

    5ZW375 Knot.jpg
    Clear Skies,

    Jimi Lowrey
    Fort Davis Texas

    48"F4 OMI/TEC
    28'F4 ATM

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