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Thread: Brief ESA/HST article on Ring Galaxies

  1. #1
    Administrator/Co-Founder Dragan's Avatar
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    Brief ESA/HST article on Ring Galaxies

    Not a particularly in-depth article, but I thought I'd share it with the group.
    Clear Dark Skies,
    Dragan Nikin
    25" f/5 Obsession #610 "Toto"
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  2. #2
    Member lamperti's Avatar
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    There are 4 references to polar ring galaxies in a short paper of Deep Sky Observer 151: 20-23, 2010. Here they are in case you do not have access to that issue:

    1 Galaxies and How to Observe Them, W. Steinicke and R. Jakiel, Springer, 2007
    2 New Observations and a Photographic Atlas of Polar-Ring Galaxies, B.C. Whitmore, et al, Astronomical Journal, 100 (5), 1489-1755, 1990
    3 NGC 2685: Spindle or Pancake? P.L. Schecter and J. E. Gunn, Astronomical Journal, 83: 1360-1362, 1978
    4 Kinematic Modeling of Disk Galaxies III. The Warped “Spindle” NGC 2685, G. I. G. Jozsa et al, Astronomy & Astrophysics accepted for publication, October 2008.

    Interestingly, there are 4 categories: Confirmed Candidates, Good Candidates, Possible Candidates and Systems Possibly Related to Polar Ring Galaxies. Listed in the paper is a Table with the NGC designations, Alternate Names, RA & Dec, Magnitude, Size and category.


  3. #3
    Member Steve Gottlieb's Avatar
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    The galaxy in the ESA/HST article is II Zw 28 = VV 790B and was discussed by Appleton and Marston in their 1997 paper "Multiwavelength Observations of Collisional Ring Galaxies".

    They described it as "one of the few empty ring galaxies without an obvious massive companion (Fig. 2)... The ring itself is extremely asymmetric, forming a crescent shape."

    I took a look at it two nights ago in my 24-inch and no structure was visible at 282x but still a cool object to track down -- fairly faint, small, round, 20" diameter, broad concentration with no core or zones.
    24" f/3.7 Starstructure
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  4. #4
    Member Marko's Avatar
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    In a 33" an observation of mine from about a year ago of CGCG 315-43 causes me to wonder in what catagory this ring was placed. It seems to be in a group from our 2D view of the area. Here is the note taken:

    CGCG 315-43 Type: Glxy Position: 12 32 05.2 +66 24 10 Con: Dra
    Date: 4/21/2012 Time: 01:00 Site: WSprDSR
    Scope: 33ObF5.0 Eyepiece: 9mmNag Power: 472x
    NELM: 6.6 SQM: 21.6 Seeing: 5 Transparency: 4
    Description: 'RingGalaxy Tiny glow that clearly has darkened center. North
    1/2 fov [5'] of Ngc4513. '

    PostNote followup: Found it on page 206 of steve's link to the paper on rings. My connection timed out so I could only see it in a small picture to the left but the field of 3 galaxies was distinct enough to lead me to believe it is in that paper on page 206. MegaStar also refers to it as VV788
    Last edited by Marko; March 13th, 2013 at 05:43 AM.
    Let me roam the deep skies and I'll be content.
    Mark Johnston
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  5. #5
    Co-Founder Jimi Lowrey's Avatar
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    I tool a look at this ring last night at 488x and 610x I could not resolve the ring. I think it will take a 10/10 night and really high power to see it. I keep thinking that it had the appearance of a PN.
    Clear Skies,

    Jimi Lowrey
    Fort Davis Texas

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  6. #6
    Member FaintFuzzies's Avatar
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    This object is on page 90 in Jimi's Ring observing guide on my website.
    Clear skies,
    Alvin #26
    Texas Hill Country

  7. #7
    Member FaintFuzzies's Avatar
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    I just refreshed the Ring Galaxy Observing guide with a few enhancements and a few minor corrections.
    Clear skies,
    Alvin #26
    Texas Hill Country

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