An exceptional weather model prediction tool that covers Europe, Australia and North American is SkippySky.
This uses a different weather model than CSC so is a good way to get two 'opinions' of the upcoming weather. I say 'opinions' as all of us know by now: The only thing certain about weather is that it will change.

The two tricks to this tool which shows everything in a way that is tailored to astronomers are these subtle things:
The predication when they say +12 hours means +12 from the time of the predictions so for each map that shows up take a look at the UTC time and don't worry so much about the +12 as it is generally NOT +12 from 'now'.

Second thing is in his backgrounds he has a darkest blue large kangaroo which is anoying but necessary so he does not get ripped off. So when you look at the maps when it is very good conditions (very close to darkest blue) you may see 'veins' of a darker area but be careful as it may be part of the kangaroos feet or something. It is not hard for your mind to filter that out but if you don't know about it you may find yourself saying 'Wow, that is so odd that a long streak of better skies is there and doe not seem to shift position as the rest of the weather shifts about.