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Thread: CSOG Objects of the Month

  1. #1
    Member Clear Skies's Avatar
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    the Netherlands

    CSOG Objects of the Month

    Every month, six objects from the Clear Skies Observing Guides are selected to feature as Objects of the Month. A northern and a southern constellation, three objects each, positioned favorably this time of the year.

    February 2014, Northern
    Constellation Auriga, one carbon star and two open clusters

    • Carbon star FU Aurigae
    • Open cluster NGC1857
    • Open cluster Stock 8 with nebula IC417

    February 2014, Southern
    Constellation Volans, three galaxies

    • PGC19481 "Lindsay-Shapley Ring"
    • NGC2442
    • PGC25169

    A free download on the Samples page.
    To demonstrate the CSOG concept, guides are included in all four image orientation options. Matching tours and AstroPlanner planfiles are included.

    Give it a go and don't forget to share your observations!
    Victor van Wulfen | Clear Skies Observing Guides #CSOG | Blog | Observing Log | Observing Sessions

    - SQM is Nothing. Transparency is everything.

  2. #2
    Member Clear Skies's Avatar
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    the Netherlands
    CSOG Objects of the Month for March are here:

    March 2014, Northern
    Constellation Lynx, one carbon star and two galaxies

    • Carbon star T Lyncis
    • Galaxy NGC2549
    • Galaxy NGC2683

    March 2014, Southern
    Constellation Carina, one carbon star, one open cluster and one globular cluster

    • Carbon star SZ Carinae
    • Open cluster Trumpler 18 - note the reference to other clusters in the field description, a major CSOG feature.
    • Globular cluster NGC2808

    A free download on the Samples page.
    To demonstrate the CSOG concept, guides are included in all four image orientation options. Matching tours and AstroPlanner planfiles are included.

    Download and unzip for use on your tablet. Give it a go and don't forget to share your observations!
    Victor van Wulfen | Clear Skies Observing Guides #CSOG | Blog | Observing Log | Observing Sessions

    - SQM is Nothing. Transparency is everything.

  3. #3
    Member Clear Skies's Avatar
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    the Netherlands

    CSOG Objects of the Month - April 2014

    CSOG Objects of the Month for April are here:

    April 2014, Northern
    Constellation Leo, a planetary nebula, a galaxy and a Hickson group

    • Planetary nebulae the "Frosty Leo Nebula"
    • Galaxy NGC3384
    • Galaxy group Hickson 58

    April 2014, Southern
    Constellation Vela, a carbon star, a globular cluster and a planetary nebula

    • Carbon star XZ Velorum
    • Globular cluster NGC3201
    • Planetary nebula NGC2899

    A free download on the Samples page.
    To demonstrate the CSOG concept, guides are included in all four image orientation options. Matching tours and AstroPlanner planfiles are included.

    Download and unzip for use on your tablet. Give it a go and don't forget to share your observations!
    Victor van Wulfen | Clear Skies Observing Guides #CSOG | Blog | Observing Log | Observing Sessions

    - SQM is Nothing. Transparency is everything.

  4. #4
    Member Clear Skies's Avatar
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    the Netherlands

    CSOG Objects of the Month - May 2014

    CSOG Objects of the Month for May are here:

    May 2014, Northern
    Constellation: Canes Venatici

    • Carbon star TT Canum Venaticorum
    • Open cluster Upgren 1
    • Galaxy NGC4244, the "Silver Needle Galaxy"

    May 2014, Southern
    Constellation: Chameleon

    • Carbon star CI Chamaeleontis
    • Reflection nebula IC2631
    • Planetary nebula NGC3195

    A free download on the Samples page.
    To demonstrate the CSOG concept, guides are included in all four image orientation options. Matching tours and AstroPlanner planfiles are included.

    Download and unzip for use on your tablet. Give it a go and don't forget to share your observations!

    Victor van Wulfen | Clear Skies Observing Guides #CSOG | Blog | Observing Log | Observing Sessions

    - SQM is Nothing. Transparency is everything.

  5. #5
    Member Clear Skies's Avatar
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    the Netherlands

    CSOG Objects of the Month - June 2014

    Clear Skies Observing Guides' Objects of the Month for June are here:

    June 2014, Northern
    Constellation: Boötes, the Herdsman
    three (Herschel 400) galaxies

    • NGC5248
    • NGC5676
    • NGC5689

    June 2014, Southern
    Constellation: Musca, the Fly

    • Carbon star RR Muscae
    • Open cluster Collinder 261
    • Globular cluster NGC4833

    A free download on the Samples page.

    To demonstrate the CSOG concept, guides are included in all four image orientation options. Matching tours and AstroPlanner planfiles are included.
    Not familiar with AstroPlanner yet? Download the application on the Astroplanner website and give the (.apd) planfiles a try.

    With paper rapidly becoming obsolete in visual amateur astronomy, CSOG brings your tablet to the eyepiece.

    How CSOG stands out

    - CSOG is truly all sky, covering all of the northern and southern hemisphere and all of the 88 constellations.
    - It is a digital publication intended to primarily be used at the telescope's eyepiece.
    - It is the first publication to:

    • list all DSO's and carbon stars visible in telescopes up to 12 inches in aperture, in detail (well over 14000 -fourteen thousand- objects, including all Herschel DSO's and all DSO's in Burnham's Celestial Handbook)
    • provide a complete list of carbon stars up to mag. 11
    • use an ergonomic "observing card" style layout in a dedicated dark color scheme, perfect for use on tablets
    • list object synonyms, not just the most commonly used designation
    • clearly list useful information: classification, magnitude, size, position angle, etc.
    • include a DSS image for every object, uniformly scaled, uncompressed and with a known orientation: a "standard candle" for visual*astronomy
    • be available in editions with mirrored or unmirrored images to best match the view in your eyepiece
    • contain a field description for each object, with bearing and distance to stars and objects in the vicinity
    • sort objects not purely in R.A. (right ascension) but in an order that minimizes the distance between them, using "blocks of declination" where required
    • include matching tourfiles for Meade Autostar, Celestron NexRemote and EQMOD controlled telescopes, and AstroPlanner planfiles
    • be available in:
      - Constellation Editions by telescope aperture and celestial hemisphere
      as well as well known catalogues and lists:
      - Messier ($5.95)
      - Lacaille ($3.95)
      - Dunlop ($14.95)
      - All Herschel ($34.95)
      - Herschel 400 ($14.95)
      - Herschel II ($14.95)
      - Caldwell ($5.95)
      - Bennett ($7.95)
      - Palomar ($1.95)
      - Terzan ($1.95)
      - Hickson ($9.95)

    Give it a go and don't forget to share your observations!

    Victor van Wulfen | Clear Skies Observing Guides #CSOG | Blog | Observing Log | Observing Sessions

    - SQM is Nothing. Transparency is everything.

  6. #6
    Member Clear Skies's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    the Netherlands
    July's Clear Skies Observing Guides Objects of the Month:

    July 2014, Northern
    Constellation: Hercules

    • Carbon star RR Herculis
    • Planetary nebula Vyssotsky 1-2
    • Galaxy NGC6181

    July 2014, Southern
    Constellation: Circinus, the Draftman's Compass

    • Carbon star AS Circini
    • Planetary nebula Henize 2-120
    • Galaxy PGC50779

    A free download on the Samples page.

    To demonstrate the CSOG concept, guides are included in all four image orientation options. Matching tours and AstroPlanner planfiles are included.
    Not familiar with AstroPlanner yet? Download the application on the Astroplanner website and give the (.apd) planfiles a try.

    With paper rapidly becoming obsolete in visual amateur astronomy, CSOG brings your tablet to the eyepiece.

    How CSOG stands out

    - CSOG is truly all sky, covering all of the northern and southern hemisphere and all of the 88 constellations.
    - It is a digital publication intended to primarily be used at the telescope's eyepiece.
    - It is the first publication to:

    • list all DSO's and carbon stars visible in telescopes up to 12 inches in aperture, in detail (well over 14000 -fourteen thousand- objects, including all Herschel DSO's and all DSO's in Burnham's Celestial Handbook)
    • provide a complete list of carbon stars up to mag. 11
    • use an ergonomic "observing card" style layout in a dedicated dark color scheme, perfect for use on tablets
    • list object synonyms, not just the most commonly used designation
    • clearly list useful information: classification, magnitude, size, position angle, etc.
    • include a DSS image for every object, uniformly scaled, uncompressed and with a known orientation: a "standard candle" for visual*astronomy
    • be available in editions with mirrored or unmirrored images to best match the view in your eyepiece
    • contain a field description for each object, with bearing and distance to stars and objects in the vicinity
    • sort objects not purely in R.A. (right ascension) but in an order that minimizes the distance between them, using "blocks of declination" where required
    • include matching tourfiles for Meade Autostar, Celestron NexRemote and EQMOD controlled telescopes, and AstroPlanner planfiles
    • be available in:
      - Constellation Editions by telescope aperture and celestial hemisphere
      and the following catalogues and lists:
      - Messier ($5.95)
      - Lacaille ($3.95)
      - Dunlop ($14.95)
      - All Herschel ($34.95)
      - Herschel 400 ($14.95)
      - Herschel II ($14.95)
      - Caldwell ($5.95)
      - Bennett ($7.95)
      - Palomar ($1.95)
      - Terzan ($1.95)
      - Hickson ($9.95)

    Give it a go and don't forget to share your observations!
    Victor van Wulfen | Clear Skies Observing Guides #CSOG | Blog | Observing Log | Observing Sessions

    - SQM is Nothing. Transparency is everything.

  7. #7
    Member Clear Skies's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    the Netherlands
    Clear Skies Observing Guides Objects of the Month:

    August 2014, Northern
    Constellation: Lyra, the Lyre

    • Carbon star U Lyrae
    • Open Cluster NGC6765
    • Planetary nebula NGC6765

    August 2014, Southern
    Constellation: Apus, the Bird of Paradise

    • Carbon star U Apodis
    • Globular cluster IC4499
    • Planetary nebula Henize 2-105

    A free download on the Samples page.

    To demonstrate the CSOG concept, guides are included in all four image orientation options. Matching tours and AstroPlanner planfiles are included.
    Not familiar with AstroPlanner yet? Download the application on the Astroplanner website and give the (.apd) planfiles a try.

    With paper rapidly becoming obsolete in visual amateur astronomy, CSOG brings your tablet to the eyepiece.

    Be sure to read Kemer Thomson's blog: "Look Ma: No Paper! - Planning and Observing Digitally" !
    Last edited by Clear Skies; August 1st, 2014 at 08:18 AM.
    Victor van Wulfen | Clear Skies Observing Guides #CSOG | Blog | Observing Log | Observing Sessions

    - SQM is Nothing. Transparency is everything.

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