Nice OOTW Howard and important reminder that this telescope was a real quantum leap in the telescope development. I think it was Foucault who calls Lord Rosse Leviathan "a joke" against his modern glass/silver spaceship.

Here is my quick and dirty translation of my HCG 92 observations:

4", 88x, NELM 6m5+
from 44x visible as a faint glow 30'SW of NGC 7331; from 63x separation visible; best power 88x; two clearly separated plobs visible; a shows as a laminar glow; 1,5'NW another glow from the both not separated b and d

8", 160x, Seeing III, NELM 6m5+
not separated glow visible even in the searching eyepiece; best view with 160x; a visible as a 1:2 SE-NW elongated glow with concentration to its middle, can hold it with averted vision, SE of the center faint star; b+d direct vision and easy to separate, no elongation; c a little bit more difficult than a but visible with averted vision, round, concentrated; e very difficult, direct neighbor of a NW 13mag star, together visible as a "double star"; NGC 7320C not visible

16", 257x, NELM 7m0+
Under perfect alpine skies remarkable even in the searching eyepiece; with high magnification all five members are visible; a as faint, 3:2 SE-NW glow without brighter center; near SE of the center faint star; b+d brightest members; b as 2:1 NW-SE elongated; d 2:1 N-S elongated; halos of both touching each other; c bright center with NW-SE elongation, faint glow SE following; e as bright, small and round glow SE of a star; NGC 7320c visible as very faint glow somewhat deposed of the group

27", 419x, NELM 7m0+
Impressive with big aperture and very good transparency; all galaxies direct vision objects even in the searching eyepiece (113x); with higher magnification some galaxies with details and first glimpse of the tidal tails; a 1:2 elongated with brighter center and surface faint halo, NW part of the halo seems to be brighter and shows a beginning of a spiral arm, E of the center faint and stellar HII region; b brightest member of the group, shows N-S elongated bar, from the N end a spiral arm started to the S with a brighter spot at the S end; c also shows a SE-NW elongated bar, at the E side a closed spiral arm can be detected; SW of c a very faint tidal arm is visible; d only a few arc seconds W from b, 3:2 E-W elongated; 1’ N of this double system a noticeable glow can be detected which seems to be in contact with b/d but without showing any spiral arm form; e compact with high surface brightness, a little bit elongated to a 13mag star NW; NGC 7320c direct vision as a round glow 4’ NE, shows a faint round halo around the bright small center, halo can not be detected as a ring