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Thread: NGC 3226 and 3227 in Leo

  1. #1
    Member stevecoe's Avatar
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    Arizona, USA

    Cool NGC 3226 and 3227 in Leo

    Here is an observation of this galaxy pair in a 12 inch:

    NGC 3226 and 3227 form a pair 50' east of Gamma Leo. 3227 is pretty bright, considerably elongated and has a pretty bright nucleus that is almost stellar. 3226 is pretty bright, round and has a bright core. These observations are with a 12.5" f/6 at 160X. What is weird about these two galaxies is that they appear to overlap each other even at high powers! The round galaxy is at one end of the elongated galaxy and it looks like a club with a knot at one end.

    LEO_NGC 3226_17in_160X (Large).jpg

    This drawing was made with my old 17.5 inch f/4.5 at 150X, I rated the night at 6 out of 10 for seeing and 7 out of 10 for transparency from a site about 60 miles from Phoenix.

    One of my favorites;
    Steve Coe

  2. #2
    Member FaintFuzzies's Avatar
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    Hill Country Texas
    One of the more fun and brighter Arp Galaxies, number 94.

    Here is my brief observation taken straight out of my book.

    22" f/4 reflector @ 184, 255, 305 and 377x
    NGC 3227 – Very bright, 2:1 elongated patch with gradually brighter towards a very bright irregular core. PA = 150º and 3’ long.

    NGC 3226 – Very bright, round galaxy with a much brighter core. 2’ across. It sits just off the NW edge of NGC 3227.


    22” f/4 reflector @ 184x Field: 17.0’
    Clear skies,
    Alvin #26
    Texas Hill Country

  3. #3
    Member Marko's Avatar
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    Bay Area, CA
    Couple observations but the best one is from 12/12/2010 at 3000 feet in 18" with sky: NELM 6.4, 21.55SQM, seeing 4/5 but transparency 3/5. These were both with 7mmNagler for 278x and per chance both would have been at about 60 degrees alt.

    Ngc3227 1/6fov [3'] 2.5EL near NS. Touches Ngc3226. Length of the pair 1/4fov [4.5']
    Ngc3226 1.5' len round. Length of the pair 1/4fov [4.5'] Touches Ngc3227

    And from 4/8/2010 was in a brighter 21.0 sky and NELM 6.0 with 3/5 seeing 3/5 trans but adds some info
    Ngc3227 2.5' len slight EL N-S. SCore more stellar than than 3226s. Slight bridging with diffuse glow to 3326
    Ngc3226 2.5' len slight EL 20dPA. NSCore Slight bridging with diffuse glow to 3327

    A third observation was from 2008 but does not have any sizes or specific details mentioned
    Let me roam the deep skies and I'll be content.
    Mark Johnston
    18" StarMaster f/3.7
    12" Meade LightBridge f/5

  4. #4
    Member FaithJ's Avatar
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    50.65° N, 1.15° W
    Here's my description of the pair, from a few years ago (I plan to reobserve these with my 18" when I get a chance):

    NGC 3226 and 3227 (Arp 94). Interacting pair. They are oval, with slightly brighter middles. 3227 is more elongated than 3226 and is larger. 3226 lies to the north of 3227. 12” f/5 Dob 190x.
    18" f/4.3 David Lukehurst Dob
    8" f/6 Dark Star Dob
    8x42 binoculars
    100% visual observing

    Visual Observing - FJ Astronomy

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