Perhaps one of the most interesting groups of the Hickson compilation for large telescopes. And Steve you are right that the merged structure is visible up from 12-inch.

12", 387x, NELM 6m5+
Component a/c visible from 104x with direct vision; with higher magnification a/c shows a mottled structure with a peak at the northern end; southeast from that peak and still in the halo of c, another structure – a becomes visible at the edge of perception; b also visible from 104x up, but much fainter than the whole a/c complex; with higher magnification b shows an 1:2 to 1:3 shape; d is not visible

24", 484x, NELM 6m5+
extraordinary formed Hickson-Group; c visible as with direct vision as the brightest object within the group; a follows c to the east as a “V” shaped detail; a much fainter than c and 1:2 east-west elongated; b steadily visible with averted vision with similar brightness than a, 1:3 elongated; d is popping in and out of view and can be hold for several seconds each, very small but laminar character; the not Hickson-catalogued object just south of a is also popping in and out of view but can not hold steadily with averted vision

27", 586x, NELM 7m0+
bright and interesting group; a and c are fused to one object; this object consists of two longish galaxies which are attached as a “V” shaped structure; c seems to be brighter but more compact; b is visible as a 4:1 elongated streak, beside the brighter core both ends shows peaks; d is popping in and out of view as a very small, stellarlike object; 0,5’ south of a another stellarlike object is visible and can hold steadily with averted vision; 2,4’ southeast a IC 399 is visible as a bright, round and concentrated companion
