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Thread: Hello

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Whirlpool Observatory, East Cheshire UK


    Hello Deep Sky enthusiasts.

    I just wanted to say a "Big" Hello.

    After many years of digital imaging with CCD and DSLR. I have decided, to give that side of things a rest. I now want to look up again at our local patch of the galaxy and the faint fuzzies it has to offer.

    Do I hear applause

    I own a C9.25 with XLT coatings, and also a fine Altair Astro 115mm EDT F7 Apo. And an Ioptron MT-II Pro and Losmandy G11 L4.

    I have a 2x2" filters, a UHC and an LPR, to use with a TS 2" Star Diagonal.

    I have a box of very good eyepieces too.
    A 24mm Panoptic a 35mm Celestron Ultima, 13mm Baader Hyperion and three Vixen LV's 6-5-4mm

    It will make a pleasant change to look through an eyepiece again.
    Last edited by starwave; March 24th, 2018 at 05:46 PM.
    C9.25 "FastStar"
    Altair Astro "Starwave" 115 EDT Refractor
    Orion Optics OMC 140
    Box full of eyepieces.

  2. #2
    Co-Founder Jimi Lowrey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Fort Davis Texas
    Welcome back from the Dark side and welcome to DSF.
    Clear Skies,

    Jimi Lowrey
    Fort Davis Texas

    48"F4 OMI/TEC
    28'F4 ATM

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Whirlpool Observatory, East Cheshire UK
    Thank you, Jimi,

    I used to do do a lot of DSO back in the 1990s. Back then I was using an 8" Newt a 12" and latterly 10". I wish I still owned that 12". It was a very good telescope. Now that I have an SCT. I want to try too push it to it's limits.

    Over here we don't have the clear skies you have. And there's a lot of light pollution. But- I am able to travel to local dark sky's that allows me to see stuff under rural skies.

    And every September I go to the Equinox Starparty in darkest Norfolk.

    When the skies clear next. I will endeavor to do some observing, despite having a Moonlight sky.
    Last edited by starwave; March 24th, 2018 at 07:23 PM.
    C9.25 "FastStar"
    Altair Astro "Starwave" 115 EDT Refractor
    Orion Optics OMC 140
    Box full of eyepieces.

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