Hi All,

Surely one of the most impressive PNs. Here is my sketch, Obsession 20", Southern Alps.
The inner part has been observed in a good, but not exceptional night, SQM 21.63. The colour of the PN was blue-greenish.

The halo has been observed, ten years later, on an exceptional dark night: SQM has been measured at 22.00 by two different observers with two different device. Such a value is totally rare in my observatory in southern Alps.
The color was blue, with no hint of green, estimated C130 / S30 in the usual concentration / saturation scale.

NGC 3242 T635 BL 2008 halo 2017 04.jpg

Report of the inner part: http://www.deepsky-drawings.com/ngc-3242/dsdlang/en
Report of the halo: http://www.deepsky-drawings.com/ngc-...017/dsdlang/en

Clear skies