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Thread: Object of the week, April 12, 2020 - The Rose Catalogue

  1. #1
    Member FaintFuzzies's Avatar
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    Object of the week, April 12, 2020 - The Rose Catalogue

    Object of the Week, April 12th, 2020 – err – Perhaps List of the week!

    The Rose Compact Galaxy Catalogue
    Constellation, RA and Dec: All are in the main northern spring galaxy region, namely Leo, Ursa Major, Coma, Virgo, Bootes, etc
    Size: Ranges from <1’ to about 7’. Most are between 1’ and 3’.
    Mag: Dimmest is 17.5 and brightest is 12.9. Most are between 15 and 16

    What the heck is the Rose Compact Galaxy Catalogue? It is basically a small list of compact galaxy groups researched by Dr. James Rose back in the 70s during his grad school or his postdoc years. The list comprises of groups of four galaxies and the dimmest member is supposed to be at least mag 17.5. You can read a little more in the intro in my guide, which contains complete finder charts, a couple images and some brief notes. One stop shop. You can fetch it here. Print it out and bring it with you to the eyepiece or display on your favorite tablet or laptop on the field.

    There are 33 compact groups easily visible from most of the world and 5 additional groups are added for southern observers. The best part of this OOTW is that at this time of the year, all are visible right now in the spring galaxy season. What list can you complete in just a few observing sessions? But take your time to tease out the details. I intend to re-observe some of the groups as I think I missed some that are probably observable with my 22”.

    I’ll feature a few Rose objects. Warning – big telescope objects.

    Rose 2 – A “V” shaped group of galaxies. Through my 22” under TSP skies I could not resolve any of the galaxies, but just appears an even glow. However, through Jimi’s 48”, all 4 members were easily resolved.

    SSDS image

    Rose 13 (Shk 19) – An arc of galaxies with a faint star to the north. Through my 22” at the Texas Star Party, I’ve seen a 2:1 elongated glow that would be perpendicular to the star, which was not seen. Then I went over to someone’s 30”, I saw the same unresolved 2:1 glow, but this time seeing the star. Later that week, I looked through the 48” and saw all 4 members as independent objects. Three were distinct “stellar” cores with one elongated glow with a stellar core. This was one of the objects in Larry’s Advanced Observing List for TSP 2009.

    SDSS image

    Rose 33 – This group is literally standing next to a mag 7.9 star, at most is 30” away. Yes, arc seconds, not arc minutes. The 4 members range from mag 15.9 to 17.4. Through my 22” and at 821x, only one of the 4 was seen. It was popping in and out, more out then in. The following year, I looked at this object with Jimi with his 48” and we were able to see all 4 pretty easily. The amazing thing object how compact this object is that Jupiter in most cases could “occult” the entire group plus the mag 7.9 star. That is how small this group is.
    One note: After looking at the recent SDSS image, one of the labelled components appears as a star, component A. I’m not sure.

    DSS image

    SDSS image

    Now go grab a copy of The Rose Catalogue of Compact Galaxies and as always, give it a go and let us know.
    Last edited by FaintFuzzies; April 13th, 2020 at 09:56 PM.
    Clear skies,
    Alvin #26
    Texas Hill Country

  2. #2
    Member Raul Leon's Avatar
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    Cool galaxies but most out of my apertures reach.
    Raul Leon
    14.5 Starstructure Dobsonian f/4.3

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Nice LOTW Alvin. I visited some groups during the last years and for sure there are some pretty nice objects included.

    sketch Rose 2: 27", 837x, NELM 6m5+, Seeing II

    sketch Rose 13: 27", 586x, NELM 6m5+, Seeing III

    To Rose 33 I also think A is a star. The Panstarrs image shows also a stellar peak in contrast to the similar bright C which looks somewhat diffuse.
    Clear Skies, uwe

    27" f/4,2

  4. #4
    Co-Founder Jimi Lowrey's Avatar
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    One of my favorite from the Rose Catalog is the galaxy chain Rose 16 it is also one of the brightest.

    This is a link to my March 2012 OOTW about Rose 16
    Clear Skies,

    Jimi Lowrey
    Fort Davis Texas

    48"F4 OMI/TEC
    28'F4 ATM

  5. #5
    Hi All,

    Thanks Alvin for showing me this Rose catalog I didn't know it.
    After some researches among my old reports, here are what I found

    I obseved Rose 7 as HCG 59, Rose 10 as HCG 61, Rose 13 as Shk 19, and Rose 27 as HCG 54.
    Moreover, I add a print screen of the brightest numbers of the catalogue.


    brightest Rose cat.png

    HCG 59 Rose 07.jpg

    HCG 61 Rose 10.jpg

    Shk 019 Rose 13.jpg

    HCG 53 & 54 (Rose 27).jpg

  6. #6
    Member FaintFuzzies's Avatar
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    For some reason, I forgot to add the link to the Rose Catalogue observing guide. Here it is.

    I've also edited the original post with links to the guide.

    If you enjoyed the observing guide, here are about 20 more.
    Last edited by FaintFuzzies; April 13th, 2020 at 09:55 PM.
    Clear skies,
    Alvin #26
    Texas Hill Country

  7. #7
    Member FaintFuzzies's Avatar
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    Hill Country Texas
    Great sketches as usual Uwe. Did you observe the others from the list?
    Clear skies,
    Alvin #26
    Texas Hill Country

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Did you observe the others from the list?
    Not all and not systematically Alvin.

    A quick and dirty search gave some other results:
    - Rose 10 aka HCG 10 (link to the sketch)
    - Rose 16 aka VV 158 (link to the sketch)
    - Rose 19 aka UGC 9103 (link to the sketch)
    - Rose 21 aka IC 4461/4462 (link to the sketch)
    - Rose 23 aka UGC 9555 (link to the sketch)
    - Rose 27 aka HCG 54 (link to the sketch)
    - Rose 32 aka UGC 8691 (link to the sketch)
    - Rose 34 aka NGC 87/88/89/92 (link to the sketch)
    - Rose 35 aka ESO 199-12 (link to the sketch)
    - Rose 38 aka NGC 6845 (link to the sketch)
    Clear Skies, uwe

    27" f/4,2

  9. #9
    Member Raul Leon's Avatar
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    Tampa Florida
    Hi here's my observation of Rose 10 aka (ngc 4169,4174, 4173,and 4175) galaxies in Coma Bernices ; I used a 10mm Ethos at 158x magnification with my 14.5 Starstructure Dob f/4.3ngc 4169.jpg
    Raul Leon
    14.5 Starstructure Dobsonian f/4.3

  10. #10
    Member Steve Gottlieb's Avatar
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    I've observed a number of the Rose quartets through my scope as well as Jimi's, but to pick one, here are my notes on Rose 19 = VV 223 = Holm 610 in Bootes...

    VV 223a is the western component of an extremely close, contact pair with similar VV 223b, just 12" NE (between centers)! At 375x it appeared faint, very small, slightly elongated, 18"x12". VV 223b was comparable in size and brightness but contained a brighter stellar nucleus and seemed very slightly brighter. Fainter VV 223c = UGC 9103 is 0.9' W, completed a very tight triple. VV 223c was extremely faint, small, very elongated 3:1 N-S, 20"x7".

    The SDSS image reveals a tidal loop extending north and a diffuse plume and bridge attached to the VV 222a/b pair!

    Rose 19.jpg
    24" f/3.7 Starstructure
    14.5" f/4.3 Starmaster
    Adventures in Deep Space
    Contributing Editor, Sky & Telescope

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