I've observed a number of the Rose quartets through my scope as well as Jimi's, but to pick one, here are my notes on Rose 19 = VV 223 = Holm 610 in Bootes...

VV 223a is the western component of an extremely close, contact pair with similar VV 223b, just 12" NE (between centers)! At 375x it appeared faint, very small, slightly elongated, 18"x12". VV 223b was comparable in size and brightness but contained a brighter stellar nucleus and seemed very slightly brighter. Fainter VV 223c = UGC 9103 is 0.9' W, completed a very tight triple. VV 223c was extremely faint, small, very elongated 3:1 N-S, 20"x7".

The SDSS image reveals a tidal loop extending north and a diffuse plume and bridge attached to the VV 222a/b pair!

Rose 19.jpg