Hello all,

in my observing logbook, I have 27 entries on the California Nebula, all of them through the binoculars, once as small as 7x35.
The nebula is listed by Phil Harrington in his TUBA as a binocular object.

The last observation: 14th November 2020, binoculars 10.5x70, and 15x85 with the blue(RGB)CCD filters)*:
A comfortably bright streak of light, no details at these low magnifications.

Otherwise, the nebula has been visible as a coming and fading streak of light with unaided eyes, not possible to keep, no H-Beta filters. The bright Ksi Persei has been distracting.
Reference DSOs seen with unaided eyes: Sh2-264 (Lambda Orionis Nebula) - its glow towards NNE; The Great Orion Nebula pretty bright.

)* This filter finds an increasing use when hunting the Lynds bright nebulae and some ISM and IFN.

Clear skies,