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Thread: Object Of The Week, May 16, 2021 – NGC 5421 = Arp 111

  1. #1
    Member Steve Gottlieb's Avatar
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    Object Of The Week, May 16, 2021 – NGC 5421 = Arp 111

    Name: NGC 5421 = Arp 111 = VV 120 = I Zw 78
    R.A.: 14h 01m 41.4s
    Dec.: +33° 49' 35" (2000)
    Con: Canes Venatici
    Type: SBc? + E
    Size: 1.3'x0.9'
    Magnitudes: 13.4V, 14.2B; Surf Br: 13.4 mag/arcmin²

    This fascinating interacting system caught the eye of Halton Arp (Arp 111), Boris Vorontov-Vel'yaminov (VV 120) and Fritz Zwicky (I Zw 78). It was first discovered visually by French astronomer Édouard Stephan exactly 150 years ago with the 31" silvered-glass reflector of the Marseilles Observatory. Although Stephan only recorded a single object, his published description reads "Faint, rounded, irregular, 2 very faint stars involved." There is a 15th magnitude star close southwest but the other stellar object is mostly likely the southern elliptical of the main pair!

    NGC 5421.jpg

    Arp's classification doesn't make much physical sense -- "E and E-like galaxies repelling spiral arms"; "E galaxy apparently bending arm at root" and Vorontsov-Vel'yaminov interpreted it as a quintet (including the blue galaxy to the south). Zwicky considered it a "blue post-eruptive pair of open Sc and spherical compact in matrix". Of course, all of their descriptions/classifications were purely based on the photographic appearance and their own (sometimes unique) physical interpretations. Surprisingly, there hasn't been much research on NGC 5421, other than being included in many standard surveys (redshift, etc.).

    My first observation was back in 2001 using a 17.5" and I was confused by the structure -- I noted an irregular shape and a diameter of roughly 1'. It almost seemed like a partially resolved faint cluster with a 15th mag star just off the southwest side as well as a faint "star" attached to the southeast end. In addition, at moments a stellar nucleus further confused the observation. As it turns out, the "star" at the southeast end is VV 120c, a compact elliptical companion.

    In 2013 I had a much better view in my 24" and called it "moderately bright, fairly small, elongated 3:2 NNW-SSE but irregular. Contains a very small, bright nucleus." At 322x, the companion at the southeast edge of the halo was easily resolved and appeared fairly faint, round, just 10" or so diameter. 17th magnitude MCG +06-31-046 is just 1' S of center and was glimpsed several times and confirmed at 322x.

    I took more extensive notes in Jimi's 48" in May 2019:

    "This striking interacting pair consists of a tidally disrupted spiral on the north side and a compact elliptical or lenticular on the south side, separated by 20" between centers. At 613x, the central core region or bar of the spiral appeared bright, fairly small, elongated ~2:1 N-S, ~0.3'x0.15', with a very bright nucleus. A faint spiral arm was easily seen attached at the north end and extending directly west, making an angle of perhaps 110° with the central region. This arm spread out a bit as it faded at its west tip. The southern spiral arm, which extends east, was seen as a dim glow but lacked a distinct edge and merged into the low surface brightness halo on the east side. The southern component (VV 120c) appeared fairly bright, fairly small, round, 0.3' diameter, small bright nucleus. MCG +06-31-046, a third component of this system, is situated 1' S and appeared faint, fairly small, slightly elongated SW-NE, 20"x15", low even surface brightness. A mag 15 star is 0.5' NNW.

    NGC 5421 DR9.jpg

    At some point I ran across the nickname "Flying Ant" galaxy, but I can't find a reference. Any ideas?

    As always,

    "Give it a go and let us know!
    Good luck and great viewing!"
    Last edited by Steve Gottlieb; May 17th, 2021 at 06:32 AM.
    24" f/3.7 Starstructure
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  2. #2
    Member Clear Skies's Avatar
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    The two MCG galaxies that form this Arp are also components of a Holmberg pair - actually a triplet to Holmberg, as he added a "very starlike" third component to the southwest, that is in fact a star - and the Karachentseva pair KPG 407.

    Arp 111-1.jpg Arp 111-2.jpg Arp 111-3.jpg

    In 2015 I was able to observe the two galaxies from the French Alps. While the faint details of this pair require larger aperture, it's good to know that (what, on this forum is to considered a modest telescope) a 14" SCT allows both galaxies to be glimpsed:

    Without AV a NNW-SSE very elongated glow, brighter in the middle, no individual galaxies discernible. With AV both galaxies are discernible.The NNW galaxy MCG+06-31-045 (PGC49950, VV' 120A, Holmberg 568A) is elongated with a faint nucleus that is just visible with AV.
    The SSE galaxy MCG+06-31-046 (PGC49949, VV' 120C, Holmberg 568B) is a small, faint, detached, round glow, even in brightness, no detail visible. To the WSW of MCG+06-31-046 is a mag. 14.5 star (Holmberg 568C).
    The faint galaxies to the south that make up NGC5421B are not visible.

    I have no idea where the Flying Ant name comes from, but I believe it is a suiting moniker.
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  3. #3
    Member lamperti's Avatar
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    In April 2010 with a 20" at 313x and decent transparency from this location in the Northeast US: "Easy to find. Averted vision 1-2. Slightly elongated with a faint star adjacent to it. A faint extension off the galaxy with no separation (MCG+6-31-46)".
    15" f4.5 Obsession Classic
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  4. #4
    Member Steve Gottlieb's Avatar
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    Thanks for the comments, Victor. NED identifies MCG +06-31-046 with the separate blue galaxy to the south (VV 120d/120e) and the MCG dimensions (0.4'x0.25') seems to support that identification. That's how I labeled the SDSS image, but I know that LEDA picks the SSE galaxy (VV 120c) as MCG +06-31-046. These kind of discrepancies are not uncommon, mainly caused by imprecise MCG coordinates.
    24" f/3.7 Starstructure
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  5. #5
    Member Don Pensack's Avatar
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    Great image here:
    Go halfway down the page to NGC5421.
    1) Is the bottom galaxy interacting? It seems to have active star formation in proximity to the ineracting pair.
    2) Is the straight star forming area to the left of the top galaxy's core a tidal tail from the one below or a distortion of the top galaxy?
    3) Why is the bottom galaxy of the 3 so much bluer? Is it forming stars faster than the interacting pair.
    Fascinating group, but at 304x in my 12.5" under 21.5 skies, all I noticed was a couple fuzzy stars. I'll have to go back and look again.
    Don Pensack
    Los Angeles

  6. #6
    Member lamperti's Avatar
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    1) possibly as the red shifts of PGC 2039203 (0.0260) is similar to NGC 5421 (0.0263)
    2) My guess is foreground star
    3) I concur about star formation

    Quote Originally Posted by Don Pensack View Post
    Great image here:
    Go halfway down the page to NGC5421.
    1) Is the bottom galaxy interacting? It seems to have active star formation in proximity to the ineracting pair.
    2) Is the straight star forming area to the left of the top galaxy's core a tidal tail from the one below or a distortion of the top galaxy?
    3) Why is the bottom galaxy of the 3 so much bluer? Is it forming stars faster than the interacting pair.
    Fascinating group, but at 304x in my 12.5" under 21.5 skies, all I noticed was a couple fuzzy stars. I'll have to go back and look again.
    15" f4.5 Obsession Classic
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  7. #7
    Member Don Pensack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lamperti View Post
    1) possibly as the red shifts of PGC 2039203 (0.0260) is similar to NGC 5421 (0.0263)
    2) My guess is foreground star
    3) I concur about star formation
    Your point #2 isn't germane to my question. The feature to the left of the top galaxy in the photo to which I was referring looks like a straight tidal tail.
    The star to which you refer appears to be on the right.
    It could be a distortion of a spiral arm in the top galaxy, but it could also be a tidal tail torn from the nearby galaxy in which stars are forming along a line.
    Don Pensack
    Los Angeles

  8. #8
    Member cloudbuster's Avatar
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    Two weeks ago I observed this pair under a SQM 21.3 sky with my 16". Here's my sketch and notes:


    This is a very small and weak duo and it’s a challenge to split both galaxies. At 362x this is successful where NGC 5421A is the largest and brightest of the two and NGC 5421B can only be glimpsed with AV. The two reside in an oval glow and are perpendicular to a mag 15 star. The companion (CGCG 191-043) and elliptical loop however could not be seen.
    16" F/3.8 & 10" F/4.8 Sumerian Alkaid travel dob on EQ-platform / Omegon Argus 16 x 70 on Orion Paragon-plus / Swift Audubon 8,5 x 44 / Vixen SG 2.1 x 42

  9. #9
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    I can contribute an observation with the 27-inch.

    27", 586x, NELM 6m5+, Seeing III
    wonderful galaxy trio with embedded stars, already visible in the searching eyepiece; striking northern arm with peak in its middle; faint connection between galaxies with longish, but difficult arm east-west elongated; third galaxy MCG+06-31-046 southwards is steadily visible with averted vision as a faint laminar glow with a brighter nucleus
    Clear Skies, uwe

    27" f/4,2

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