Hello Mark and Steve, hello all,

here are some of my H-Beta nebulae as observed through my 6" F/5 achro and through the binoculars, but still not included the LBNs and the nebulae from the HII surveys from my last observin projects.

IC 410 Sh2-236 Tadpoles Nebula in Auriga
IC 417 Sh2-234 Spider Nebula in Auriga
M43 Sh2-281 "Head of M42"
NGC 1931 Sh2-237 Fly Nenula in Auriga
NGC 1977 Sh2-279 Running Man in Orion
NGC 281 Pacman
NGC 281 EN in Cassiopeia
NGC 7000 Sh2-117 North America
Sh2-082 Little Cocoon in Sagitta
Sh2-124 diffuse glow around "Little Cocoon"
Sh2-232 EN in Auriga
Sh2-261 Lower's Nebula (large extent)
DWB 111 and 118 EN in Cygnus X
DWB 145 EN in Cygnus X
DWB 148 EN in Cygnus X
DWB 165 EN in Cygnus X
DWB 170 EN in Cygnus X
IC 405 Sh2-229 Flaming Star
IC 417 Spider Nebula
IC 434 Sh2-276
IC 444 Sh2-249 EN in Gemini
NGC 1931 Fly Nebula
NGC 2024 Sh2-277 Flaming Tree Nebula in Ori
NGC 2174 Monkey's Head
NGC 2246 Sh2-275 Rosette
Sh2-086 NGC 8620
Sh2-088 nebula in Vulpecula
Sh2-119 EN horseshoe form around 68Cyg
Sh2-129 nebula in Cepheus Bubble
Sh2-218 EN in Auriga
Sh2-221 SNR in Auriga
Sh2-276 Barnard's Loop
NGC 6888 Sh2-105 Crescent
Sh2-101 Tulip Nebula
LBN 159 EN associated with Sh2-100
Sh2-134 EN in Cepheus
Sh2-135 EN in Cepheus
NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet in Canis Maior
DWB 111 and 118 Propeller Nebula in Cygnus
IC 59 IC 63 Gamma Cas nebulae
LBN 266 EN in Cygnus
LBN 289 EN in Cygnus
LBN 317 EN in Cygnus
Sh2-154 EN in Cepheus
Sh2-161 EN in Cepheus/Cassiopea border
Sh2-223 EN in Auriga

Clear skies,