Seeing conditions were definitely not optimal, with fluctuating humidity levels wreaking havoc on lenses/ mirrors/ finderscopes e.t.c, but I did manage at around 22:30 last night to identify the target.

Due to the rapidly changing conditions, NGC 5907 kept blinking on and off, requiring constant switching to averted vision to maintain sight of the galaxy.

The increased altitude (4,500 + feet this time) vs our last attempt with Rolandos CY and the use of a TV Ethos 6mm yielding a magnification of 108x was enough to do the trick, as confirmed by Rolandos as well.

This DSO goes in the list of objects to revisit, as I am confident that under better conditions I will be able to squeeze out more detail. As matters stand, I am happy with the detail present in a 4" refractor.